Your Forever Home
Your Forever Home
Published at October 13 2025 by JessicaN
When it comes time to building your home, wouldn’t it be nice to already be preparing for the distant future and not just the near future? This means planning to “Age In Place". Sometimes thinking about our elderly selves is not what we want to do. Nobody wants to think of getting older and the complications that can accompany that BUT your future self will thank you for taking these things into consideration now and starting to prepare. 3 easy things to incorporate in your house plan when you build are: • 3’ Doorways, 4’ hallways and 5’ turn radiuses. If you or your spouse ever end up in a wheelchair you need to be able to get around your home. With larger halls, doorways and rooms (especially walk-in closets and bathrooms) you will be able to get around your house with less complications. • Walk-in Shower with seating. This will allow you to easily get in and out of the shower without having to step over a tub. This can avoid a slip, trip or fall and will be necessary if you are ever unable to get yourself into a tub for various reasons. The seat will be especially useful for an easy place to sit if dizziness occurs or if standing for extended periods of time is not an option. • No steps at the entrances of your home. Again, if you or your spouse end up needing to use a wheelchair or walker, having stairs at the front entrance or coming in from the garage, will be a problem. These few things can be easy to incorporate when building your home and can be a lifesaver, or “home-saver" later on. Don’t get stuck having to find a different home. Start preparing now and you’ll certainly be thankful for it later.