Let's talk about copyright infringement...

Let's talk about copyright infringement...

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Let's talk about copyright infringement...

Published at March 24 2025 by Hwills

Here at Nelson Design Group, we appreciate the genius that our designers bring to the table. That being said, we also appreciate the work of other designers and architects. So much so that we will NOT use their work. Why? Because it is theirs not ours. Just like you can’t start selling burgers using the McDonald’s logo without a license, you can’t build a designer’s plans without a license. This is a generally accepted way of working by most people in the industry. However, there’s always that one bad apple that ruins it for everyone, huh? So, just so we are clear: there are laws protecting the designers. These designers have a right to ownership for their intellectual property. They created it. They own it. Simple as that. When a builder wants to build a certain design, he pays for a license. However, buying that one license doesn’t mean he can build that plan as much as he wants. No, there’s limitations. Purchasing certain formats allows you a certain number of builds on a plan. (Seem a bit confusing? We will be happy to explain this to you anytime!) So, what if you break these laws? Well, the fines will definitely leave you with more financial pain that it would’ve been to just buy the license. Plus, your credibility could be shot. I mean, who wants to do business with someone who cheats others in the industry? We have to help each other in this world. It takes the work of many to accomplish a day’s work sometimes. So, work with us. Not against us. Respect the copyrights of the designers and they will keep putting out new plans for us to enjoy! Have any questions? Give us a call! 870.931.5777 Or you can email me directly: heather.wills@nelsondesigngroup.com Also, check out this article by Vanessa Quirk. This author from Arch Daily explains the top 10 things related to architectural copyright infringement. http://www.archdaily.com/328870/the-10-things-you-must-know-about-architectural-copyrights