How Long Does It Take to Get House Plans Approved? Blog

How Long Does It Take to Get House Plans Approved?

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How Long Does It Take to Get House Plans Approved?

Published at April 12 2024 by

Building a new home is an exciting journey filled with visions of your future living space. However, before the first shovel hits the ground, one of the crucial steps is getting your house plans approved. Understanding the process of house plan approval and how long it might take can help set realistic expectations and smooth the path towards creating your dream home. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of getting an approval for a house plan, offering insights into how long it takes to get house plans approved and tips to navigate the process efficiently.

Understanding the Approval Process

House plan approval is a regulatory process where local government agencies review your proposed home designs to ensure they comply with zoning laws, building codes, and other municipal requirements. Typically, this involves submitting your house plans to your local building department or authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The purpose is to ensure that your proposed construction complies with local zoning regulations, building codes, and other applicable laws. 

The process includes several key steps:

1. Preliminary Research and Pre-Submission

Before submitting your house plans for approval, it's crucial to conduct thorough research on the specific requirements of your local building department. This phase involves understanding zoning laws, setback requirements, and other regulations that may affect your design. Engaging with a professional, such as an architect or a builder familiar with local codes, can provide valuable guidance and streamline the process.

2. Submission of House Plans

Once your plans are finalized, they must be submitted to the local building department for review. This submission typically includes detailed drawings of the architectural design, structural engineering plans, and sometimes additional documents like soil reports or environmental impact assessments, depending on the locality and scope of the project.

3. Plan Review and Revisions

After submission, your house plans enter the review phase, where building officials examine the documents to ensure they meet all applicable codes and regulations. It's not uncommon for plans to be returned with requests for revisions or additional information. This iterative process can significantly impact the overall timeline.

4. Final Approval and Permits

Once your plans satisfy all requirements, final approval is granted, and building permits are issued, allowing construction to commence. It's important to note that obtaining permits is contingent on plan approval, and both are critical steps to legally start building.

Typical Timeline to Get House Plans Approved

While timelines can vary significantly based on the factors mentioned above, a general outline is as follows:

  • Pre-Submission Phase: 1-2 weeks
  • Initial Submission and Review: 4-6 weeks for initial review. Complex projects may take longer.
  • Revisions and Resubmission: Depending on the extent of revisions required, this can add an additional 2-4 weeks to the timeline.
  • Final Approval: Once revisions are submitted, final approval can take an additional 2-3 weeks.

In total, the process from initial submission to final approval can range from 2 to 4 months, or longer for more complex projects.

Why Approval is Necessary to Start Building

Approval ensures your house plans adhere to:

  • Building codes: Ensuring structural integrity and safety.
  • Zoning laws: Matching local land use and density regulations.
  • Environmental regulations: Protecting natural resources and maintaining sustainability.
  • Historical preservation codes: Respecting historical areas and maintaining their character.

Factors Influencing Approval Time

Several factors can influence how long it takes to get house plans approved. These include:

  • Complexity of the Project: Larger, more complex projects may require a more thorough review, extending the approval time.
  • Local Government Workload: The volume of applications a local authority is processing can impact wait times.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Plans that closely adhere to local regulations are likely to move through the process faster.
  • Quality of the Submission: Well-prepared, detailed submissions can reduce the need for revisions, speeding up approval.

Tips for a Smooth Approval Process

To ensure a smoother house plan approval process, consider the following tips:

  • Engage with Local Authorities Early: Early engagement can help identify potential issues before submission.
  • Hire Experienced Professionals: Architects and builders familiar with local regulations can help create compliant plans.
  • Be Prepared for Revisions: Understanding that revisions are a common part of the process can set realistic expectations.
  • Stay Informed: Keeping abreast of any changes in local building codes and regulations can prevent unexpected delays.

Explore Custom House Plans from Nelson Design Group

The journey to getting house plans approved is a critical step in building your dream home. While timelines can vary significantly based on location, complexity, and other factors, understanding the process and preparing accordingly can help ensure a smoother path to approval.

At Nelson Design Group, we understand the importance of this process and offer a wide range of house plans designed with approval in mind. Whether you're looking to build a custom home or find a plan that captures your heart, our extensive collection caters to diverse styles and preferences. Our team is dedicated to assisting you through every step of your home-building journey, from selecting the perfect plan, finding the right builder, and navigating the approval process.

If you're dreaming of building your own home and seeking a partner to help bring that dream to life, we invite you to browse our collection of house plans or contact us at Nelson Design Group with any questions or concerns. Let us help you make your dream home a reality.



How early should I start the house plan approval process before I plan to begin construction?

Begin the approval process at least 4-6 months before your intended construction start date. This timeline allows for any unforeseen delays in approval or necessary revisions to your house plans.

What is the most common reason for delays in the house plan approval process?

The most common cause of delays is the need for revisions due to non-compliance with local building codes or zoning regulations. Ensuring your plans are compliant before submission can help avoid these delays.

How can I track the progress of my house plan approval?

Most local authorities provide a tracking system or a point of contact for applicants to check the status of their submission. Staying proactive in communication can help you stay informed about your application’s progress.

What happens if my house plans are rejected?

If your plans are rejected, the reviewing authority will typically provide feedback or reasons for the rejection. You will then have the opportunity to make the necessary revisions and resubmit your plans for approval.

Can I appeal a decision if my house plans are not approved?

Yes, if your house plans are not approved, most jurisdictions offer an appeals process. This process allows you to present your case, often before a board, to seek approval for your plans.